About Us
If you were to sum us up in a few words I’d say Smile To Go are a bunch of nice people who happen to know a lot about Dentistry. We care about people, our team and patients. We love to chit-chat, have fun at work, but we are serious about the quality of care we offer our patients.

What Sets Us Apart
From The Others

Hing and Terry each bring 28 yrs of experience in Dentistry. “We have very similar practice styles, in that we are very much into total patient care. Take for example, either one of us would be willing to attend to a Dental emergency of our patients after hours.”

I would describe our style to be relaxed, caring and very much patient oriented. Highly ethical and very conscious of our patients’ needs. This dictates how we manage our patients… and you know what, many of the patients have become friends over the years.

Terry, is well known to his peers for his teaching engagements to Dental students and Dentists both locally and internationally. The programs he runs focuses on Clinical techniques with composite resin and Cosmetic Dentistry.